Sunday, September 02, 2007


Yippee! I can't believe it's already here! We started yesterday morning out by getting Addie in her Vols cheerleader outfit first thing! We woke Daddy up by singing "Rocky Top" - it doesn't get much better than that :) We did end up having to change to a different dress though, because the cheerleader outfit looked scratchy to me (it comes with a turtleneck, but it's obviously too hot for that right now)!

Anyway, the game didn't go quite as planned, but we still had a blast! We went to Lynn and Kris' and watched the game with them, and also with my old roomie Elizabeth, and Lynn's sister Lee came over, too. We had so much fun and taught Addie and Holland to say "Touchdown!" We're working on "Go Vols!" still. We even thought we'd compromise with "Go Ball!" I'll keep you posted :)

Tonight we had a great time, too - we had Lynn, Kris and Holland, and Leslie and Skye over for dinner! It was so nice outside, so we got to eat out there. You'll notice in the pictures the beeeautiful fence. I have to brag and say that John Michael did it all by himself (with a little help from his dad). He is still going to be doing a top lattice-work part, but at the very least right now we have a FENCED-IN YARD!! Yippeeee! That means no worrying about Hops being outside, and no worrying about Addie and Holland running out in the street! I'm so proud of my husband. I think I'll keep him... ;)

Anyway, Addie is doing great. She is really comprehending SO much lately! She can follow directions very well, knows almost all animals by sight and can point to them when asked, and her vocabulary is expanding daily! She can also make animal sounds, too (I'm totally stretching the truth on this one - I'll have to post a video as to her interpretation of how animals "go" :)). It is just amazing to watch her learn and grow. It's as if everything just "clicks" with her lately. She's such a smart, smart girl! I'm so proud of her!

Picture time!
Addie and Holland on their "couch" (and Addie not looking at the camera...)

Addie and Holland cheering on the Vols!


My little DG legacy :)

Holland sitting on the Cornhole game and eating the bags!

Holland & Addie, ready for game time!

1 comment:

amber@This Mommy Cooks said...

That outfit is too cute! Her curls are adorable. I'm still waiting on your 100 list. =)