Thursday, September 06, 2007

My 100 things...

My friend Amber had this on her blog and I decided I'd participate, too! It was a struggle to come up with 100 things, but once I hit 100, I bet I could've listed 10 more. Funny how that works :)

So here it is - 100 things about me (some of them are just random thoughts that popped into my head at the time I made the list). Enjoy!

  1. I knew I would love being a mom, but I had no clue just how much!
  2. I secretly would love to be involved in politics, but I don’t think anyone would vote for me because my political beliefs are so moderate.
  3. Oh yeah, that, and that I’d NEVER put my family through that lifestyle!
  4. There are days when I am very thankful I work outside the home.
  5. There are other days when I cry having to leave Addie at daycare.
  6. I am amazed at everything Addie learns at her “school,” and wonder if I’d do as good of a job if I were the only one teaching her! (I know, I know…)
  7. I am a truly messy person. I try, try, TRY to keep the house clean, but I just get overwhelmed. But the mess does bother me.
  8. I married an equally messy person. The problem is, messes don’t bother him!
  9. I am ready to find a church that we truly love, but feel overwhelmed by the task.
  10. I was baptized alongside my brother, when I was 13, and cherish that moment every day.
  11. I wish my brother and I were as close as we used to be, and I miss the fun times we used to have!
  12. Before I was pregnant, I wanted a boy SO badly! But about a month before my ultrasound, I just started thinking we were having a girl, and I think I would’ve been disappointed otherwise.
  13. I still cried a tiny bit out of jealousy when my best friend called to tell me she was having a boy, even though I was THRILLED with the thought of having a girl!
  14. John Michael and I had Addie’s name picked out for months, but could never agree on a boy name (we were leaning towards Jackson, though, and calling him Jack, after JM’s grandfather).
  15. John Michael really wants to still have a boy, but I think it would be fun to have another girl so that Addie could show a little sister all the fun girly things that sisters get to share.
  16. I would be just as thrilled to have a boy, and I actually change my mind each day as to which I would prefer. :)
  17. I LOVED being pregnant, even though I had morning sickness for five weeks.
  18. I agree with Amber – childbirth wasn’t so bad! I told my friend that same day, “Yeah, I’d do it again!”
  19. That was before I realized it would hurt for me to sit down for about a month! Ha ha ha. Sorry, TMI…
  20. I’d still do it again, and look forward to having another child soon.
  21. I breastfed Addison for nearly 10 months. My “goal” was 6 weeks. I’m very proud of that accomplishment, because I am a working mom and that entailed me having to pump 3 times a day in the locker room of my company. I did at least get to lock the door and everything.
  22. I found myself being a total breastmilk snob and didn’t let Addie have any formula until my body just couldn’t keep up with her.
  23. I have to admit that I enjoyed how easy formula is when it was time for us to use it for Addison!!
  24. I am a Tennessee Volunteer and wear orange every Friday before a football game (and of course, on every game day)!!!
  25. I followed John Michael to college. I can freely and proudly admit that now, although I never would’ve admitted that in college :)
  26. John Michael and I have been married for over 5 years, but started dating almost 11 years ago, after we met my sophomore year and his senior year of high school.
  27. I cannot have my feet covered up when I sleep. Because of this, I never tuck the top sheet under the mattress when putting new sheets on a bed. I also have to untuck the sheets whenever I sleep in a hotel bed.
  28. I also like to have a fan blowing on my legs and feet when I sleep! This also serves to drown out JM’s snoring – ha ha ha.
  29. If you’ve told me your birthday once, it’s very likely I still remember it. I have a crazy memory for numbers.
  30. I buy birthday/anniversary/thank you cards, but rarely get them sent out!
  31. Although I have written most of them, I still haven’t sent Addie’s thank you cards for her birthday out! The shame!!! :(
  32. I truly enjoy giving more than receiving – although I’d be lying if I said I don’t enjoy receiving thoughtful gifts, too.
  33. I consider my birthday a HUGE holiday (it actually is a national holiday – United Nations Day!).
  34. Not only do I love my birthday, but I love others’ birthdays too! I get so excited!
  35. I’ve been counting down to my birthday for over a month already, and I still have a month and a half to go. I hope I never grow out of this.
  36. I floss at least once a day!
  37. I still get cavities because I love to eat sweets.
  38. I made it 6 months into my pregnancy without caffeine before I decided we’d all be better off if I just had one small cup of coffee each morning. It was also my way to try to begin teaching Addie the difference between night and day, since her favorite time to “play” in my tummy was when I wanted to sleep!
  39. It worked! She was a good sleeper from the time we brought her home, and slept through the night consistently before she was two months old!
  40. I suffered from the “baby blues” pretty badly after Addie was born, but thankfully, never had to seek medical advice (just lots and lots of family support and prayers!).
  41. I am in my fourth year of law school, and hope to graduate next year!
  42. After I graduate, I would like to start a small firm and work part time to have more time with my child(ren).
  43. I gained almost 20 pounds from the time of my engagement til when John Michael and I moved back to Nashville, a year after we got married.
  44. Because I knew we’d be thinking about starting a family within the next few years, I did Weight Watchers to get to an acceptable weight (in my own mind) that would be a healthy “starting point” for a pregnancy. I lost all 20 pounds.
  45. I gained 29 pounds during my pregnancy and was back to my pre-pregnancy weight within 3 months. I think this was due to breastfeeding a little monster :)
  46. My parents always call me Krissy or Krissy Leigh. A few of my close friends do, too! I almost decided to go by Krissy at school one year, but decided against it at the last minute.
  47. I bake a few cookies for John Michael and myself almost every night – gotta love the break ‘n bake! It’s become one of our little “things.”
  48. I’ve discovered that the Kroger brand snickerdoodles are the BEST break ‘n bakes.
  49. I am not a huge fan of driving. Okay, I admit – I hate to drive! I always have. I even put off getting my driver’s license for like 3 months after I turned 16!
  50. I get my eyebrows done on a regular basis (probably not regularly enough!). I thank my sweet mother-in-law for her gift cards to my favorite day spa to have this done!
  51. I am blessed to have been raised by the most loving, wonderful parents in the world!
  52. I am equally blessed to have wonderful in-laws. I absolutely adore my mother- and father-in-law and think they did a fantastic job raising their sons.
  53. John Michael and I both look to our parents quite often for guidance and feel so fortunate that we have such AWESOME mentors!
  54. I have so enjoyed watching our parents in their roles as grandparents. They are all so giving and selfless in helping us raise our daughter.
  55. I am a spelling geek. I actually won second place in the Williamson County spelling bee in sixth grade, and went on to the state bee. I lost in the first round on the word “dumbbell.” I left one of the Bs out. What a dumbbell…
  56. I just started a new job and am not enjoying being the “new kid.”
  57. I am a perfectionist and am so hard on myself when I make mistakes (hence why I am NOT enjoying being the new kid).
  58. I love flowers, but don’t like the scent of most of them.
  59. I have a black thumb. John Michael does our landscaping.
  60. I am a compulsive e-mail checker. If you want to get information to me quickly, send me an e-mail! But, I only write back when I have time to send a thoughtful response :)
  61. I love to cook but find myself making the same things over and over again.
  62. I don’t exercise enough, but just joined a gym for FREE with my new job!
  63. I enjoy red wine.
  64. Ever since I had Addie, I can only drink about half a glass of wine before I’m tipsy! So annoying. I guess it could be considered good sometimes though – hehe.
  65. When I get home from school on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, I go up to Addie’s room, pick her up, and hold her for little while. She never wakes up!
  66. I hope she is always as sound of a sleeper as she is now! :)
  67. My favorite feature about myself would have to be my hands.
  68. I desperately need a manicure, but I do NOT enjoy them!
  69. I also don’t enjoy massages. I know, I’m weird! I think I just haven’t had a “good” one.
  70. I do enjoy pedicures!
  71. I broke a bone in my foot once when I stubbed my pinky toe.
  72. I am a Delta Gamma and would be thrilled if Addie wants to join a sorority (especially if it were DG – ha ha) when she is in college.
  73. I enjoy a show on the SciFi channel called “Eureka.”
  74. I’m not a sci-fi geek, honest!
  75. I enjoy ridiculous movies. If most people think it’s a waste of film, it’s probably on my top ten list.
  76. I played the piano for 8 years and was pretty darn good!
  77. I also played the flute for 5 years. I was never any good…
  78. My husband wants 5 children.
  79. I want 2 children, and we AGREED on 2 before we got married. John Michael!!!!! :)
  80. I don’t do well with change.
  81. I just told JM I was running out of things to say and he told me to say that I’m a wonderful mother. So I’m putting it, because I think he knows what he’s talkin’ ‘bout ;)
  82. My favorite part of every day is when Addie walks over to me to sit in my lap and read a book.
  83. My second favorite part of every day is bedtime, because I’m usually exhausted by that time!
  84. I’ve never had a credit card because I don’t think I’d be responsible with one!
  85. I worked at TJ Maxx for 3 years and do not like shopping there. I hate having to hunt for things!
  86. I once backed into a parked tractor trailer.
  87. I ran over a dog a couple of years ago and cried hysterically off and on for three days about it! I couldn’t even pull over to see if he was okay! (I’m pretty sure that was a negative – he was a little yap-yap dog and I drive a small SUV :( ).
  88. I got hit by a deer a few years ago. It ran right out and hit my drivers’ side window with its hoof, knocked off the mirror, then bounced down the side of the car! THEN it got up and ran away!!!!
  89. I nickname my cars. The car that the deer hit was from then on out known as the “Deer-mobile.” I have also had the “Check Engine-mobile” and the “Katie-mobile.”
  90. I have an amazing husband, and he is also an amazing father!
  91. I was dreading having a last name that was a vegetable, but now I love it and collect corn stuff! I swear, I thought I’d be dead before I’d do that! :)
  92. I read all seven Harry Potter books in a little over one month.
  93. I like to eat cereal for dinner sometimes (when JM is out of town).
  94. I don’t really believe in horoscopes, but if you look up the “definition” of someone born on the cusp of libra and scorpio, you’ll find a pretty accurate description of me!
  95. I have never really figured out how to do my hair right, although I think the Chi is the best invention in beauty products since mascara.
  96. I was almost 9 before I learned to ride a bike!
  97. I have bad luck keeping hair stylists – they always seem to move!
  98. I use exclamation points WAY TOO MUCH!!!
  99. I am overall a very happy person, although I am becoming cynical in my “old age.” :)
  100. Last, but certainly not least, I am amazed every day by the miracle of my daughter’s birth. What an amazing gift God has given me, and what a wonderful and blessed life I lead!


amber@This Mommy Cooks said...

YAY! I'm proud of you! I think I am a breastmilk snob too...there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that! I think we're going to make it to 1 year without using any! I like !!!!!! too!!!!! =)

Frances Vineyard said...

That's great! I love Addison's clothes...too cute! We are in Franklin today!

kmac said...

wonderful post, e!

see you in portland. i cannot begin to explain how happy i am now! see you over christmas! mo told me i need to stay longer to exert my position as the true aunt of lorelei. i'm pretty sure i'm down for the job :). love you!