Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Fun weekend and ch-ch-ch-changes!

This post is actually about last weekend, but I'm just now getting around to posting it!

We had a very fun weekend! We started off Friday with dinner at Lynn & Kris' house with all of us, and also with Leslie & Skye! We had a great time celebrating MY NEW JOB! (I'll get to that later). It was so much fun, and Addie went down in Holland's pack 'n play at her normal bedtime, so we didn't even have to leave early! We actually stayed until midnight (yikes!).

Saturday, Addie and I met my mom, grandma, my cousin Stephanie and her mom, and my cousin's sister-in-law (Jackie) and her baby (Anya - so my second cousin!). It was so much fun! Anya is almost 8 months old and is getting so close to crawling. She is such a beautiful, happy baby. She looks so much like my cousins! Addie had fun with her but wasn't too sure about playing with her. She just liked smiling at her. Too cute! She also liked running through Stephanie's house, trying to get me to follow her (which I did, because I wasn't sure how babyproofed Steph's house was - okay, really I just didn't think she'd be crazy about a toddler running loose in her home!). So Addison thought it was hilarious that I followed her everywhere. Addie - 1, Mommy - 0. :)

Saturday night was fun, too! John Michael and I went with his parents (and their co-worker, Mandy) to the Alison Krauss concert. It was awesome. She has such a beautiful voice - we kept saying she sounds like an angel, and I'm sure that is probably true! :) We had such a good time, and Addie spent the evening with her Mimi & PawPaw and had a blast. The only bad thing was when we picked her up! I went up to my old room (now my parents' guest room/Addie's room) to get her from her crib there, and I could smell that something wasn't right. The poor baby had gotten sick in the crib! My mom and I gave her an emergency midnight bath - that went over like a lead balloon. Anyway, we think that was a fluke, because she didn't get sick at any point after that, and she hadn't gotten sick before that! She seemed to be feeling pretty good and was playing great! We are thinking she coughed (she and JM have had a cold) and kind of gagged herself. Poor punkin'!!

So I guess the last piece of news is my new job! I just started a new job as the legal secretary for the City of Franklin. I am very excited about it, because it will allow me to spend a lot more time with Addie, and is going to allow me to use my legal education. Please be thinking and praying about me as I make this huge change :)

Now, since I've been getting picture demands...

With her markers!

Addie loves trying on Mommy's shoes!

Addie using her spoon like a big girl!
(Disregard the ravioli ALL OVER HER BODY...)

We had lunch in the living room because Daddy was mopping the kitchen!
(We needed to mop in the living room after lunch, too!)

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