Saturday, January 30, 2010


So last night the snow turned into sleet, making a slippery (albeit gorgeous) layer of ice on top of our snow. I'd say we got another inch of ice for a grand total of 4 1/2-ish inches of accumulation. WHAT?! Spring Hill always gets the weather shaft, so to speak. We get hail, wind, etc., but usually no pretty snow. I am quite pleased. The only bummer is that I had a baby shower I was really looking forward to today that had to be cancelled. *Sigh.* But being snowed in with the family isn't too shabby, especially given the vast library of Netflix On Demand ;)

The ice made for PERFECT sledding

Ice and snow on one of our leftover pepper plants - so pretty


Marian said...

Ahahaha! I love the video! :)

Kim said...

If you put your children in a laundry basket to go sledding... you might be a redneck. :) Love it!