Monday, January 25, 2010

The Grab Bag

What a week. Well, really, what a month! We have had the hardest time staying well in January. John Michael kicked it off with a sinus infection that required not just one, but two, rounds of antibiotics, and I have also have two colds/sinus infections. We took Landon for his ENT consult at the beginning of the month and we were told he had another ear infection. I think this made his sixth, although I honestly can't remember. Then, last week he had a nasty tummy bug and bad cold. I thought SURELY we were through, but we woke up Saturday morning to find Addie's eyes with the yuckiest case of pinkeye I've ever seen! At this point, all I could do was laugh. We certainly have had the grab bag of sicknesses here! It ceased to be quite so funny when we got called to pick Landon up this past Tuesday because he had a fever of 101.8. Ay, ay, ay. Dr. Hood had noticed some fluid in his ear when we were visiting her last week for the tummy bug/cold combo (we were afraid it was pneumonia), but she did not want to give him antibiotics because he had just finished a round and he was already scheduled for his tubes today (Thursday, the 28th). So, the bright side is that we didn't have to trek up to the pediatrician, because she had told us to give her a call if he ran a fever and that she'd just call in some antibiotics. ANYWAY...Addie now has the nasty cold. Please pray that it won't settle into her chest!

Today was the big day for the tubes! He was still running a low-grade fever (100.6), but that's the tricky thing about tubes...we can't keep his ears from getting infected long enough for him to be completely "well" for the procedure. So after discussion with the ENT and the anesthesiologist, we felt quite comfortable with them proceeding. And he did just great! The only downfall of the whole thing is that we were scheduled to arrive at 8 a.m. Remember, no food or drink after midnight. Kind of hard to explain to an almost-11-month-old. But he did well with very minimal fussing, and he certainly won the hearts of all the nurses! We were asked no less than five times if he could be taken home with someone. Hehe. :) They ended up taking him back around 9:30 or so (yes, seriously! I was so angry!), and we were back in recovery with him by 10ish. He did GREAT with the anesthesia. Addie was inconsolable after hers, so we were prepared for that. Our little man didn't fuss a bit! He was obviously groggy, but seemed fine. Of course, the difference is that they gave him an intranasal pain medicine (something Addie did not receive). He drank a little water while we were there and I gave him a bottle once we got home. He's sleeping soundly now after fighting being put down. Once I decided that I needed to put him in his crib (rather than hold him - can't blame a mommy for trying), he was out like a light by the time I got down the stairs. I am so glad he's doing well and we are hoping this will be a great improvement for his ears! The doctor said there was active infection in both ears, and that both eardrums were retracted. Yikes.

*Update - here's the photos!

In the waiting room, playing with the HIPAA notice! Lawyer-to-be?

Landon and I were getting irritated by this point...I believe it was nearing 9:30.

It was a family affair! At least we weren't crying like we were when Addie got out of her first tubes surgery :)

Sweet punkin


SpeasHill said...

Oh, his little ears sound painful! Becca didn't actually get an ear infection (that we know of) until AFTER her tubes were placed. Weird. I hope this clears everything up for your little man! We're going in for the hearing test tomorrow - same deal, general anesthesia, no food, etc - I hope Becca is as tolerant as Landon!

Sonya said...

Yay! So glad it went well - hope this ends the misery for the little guy :-)