Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I love Tennessee

I must admit I am biased since I have never lived anywhere besides Tennessee, but I just love this state. Where else does a random snow in March happen after 60 degree temperatures in the weeks before? Okay, I know it happens lots of places, but I'm still glad it happened here. We were SO excited to wake up to about 2 inches Sunday morning! John Michael told me it had snowed at about 4:30 a.m. (he had gotten up due to Addie crying out in her sleep) and he may as well have told me it was Christmas morning. I could NOT go back to sleep! Luckily, I finally fell back asleep for a little while so that I was rested enough to play :) Although it was soooo cold and windy, we had a great few minutes outside! AND we finally got to use Addie's snowsuit! HOORAY! Best $15 I've ever spent (thank you, Old Navy!).

Addie waiting "patiently" for Mommy & Daddy to get ready

Mowing the snow
(and speaking of crazy Tennessee weather, a very windy day a few weeks ago was the cause of our gates being knocked down!)

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