Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We had a fun day! We slept in and then got Addie ready for her Halloween parade at school and she was so excited to finally be a cat! She has been talking about this for a month, at least. Then, around lunch time, we went to JM's office for his company Halloween party. We had a great time and Addie was the life of the party! He works with such a fun group of people and they were all excited to see her. After that, we went home to "rest" for a few minutes (which mainly consisted of Addie running around the house like a little monster and me watching her) and then headed to my office Halloween party. Most everyone brought their kiddos and there were some cute little munchkins! Of course, Addie was the cutest ;) but she had some tough competition. THEN, we came home and started to get dinner ready for Mimi, PawPaw, and Cici and Nana and Papa to come over and help us greet trick-or-treaters! I made french onion soup (from scratch! Look at me go!) and JM made grilled ham and fancy-cheese sandwiches (ha!). We were excited that we had a pretty steady stream of trick-or-treaters, but I am wondering when it became okay for BIG KIDS (like 15- and 16-year-olds) to still go out on Halloween? Maybe I am getting old and fuddy-duddy ;) I gave them candy anyway. I will admit that they had all gone to trouble and had awesome costumes, so I figured that deserved some kind of reward. Hehe.

Quick like a cat!

(I washed the wall after I saw this picture, don't worry :) - but how does that happen??)

CHEESE! Er...wait a minute! :)

I let Addie hold the "whisker" paint for maybe ten seconds while I gathered my stuff to go into JM's office...and this is what I got for it.

And one of none of us looking at the right camera...nice

We were aiming for the tackiest costumes...I think we got there.

My boss Shauna, Addie, and Shauna's beautiful baby girl Claire (almost 4 months)

There was a pumpkin carving contest at work this year!

The Law Department pumpkin, carved by our awesome secretary, Melinda! We got 2nd place!

Ready for trick-or-treating (we never made it out of the driveway :))


Cindy said...

What an adorable little cat! And your and JM's costumes are hilarious.

Sonya said...

A pregnant nun. Priceless ;-) Addie is as adorable as ever!

Angelle said...

I love all the pics. Addie was a fabulous black cat. And love the pregnant nun costume. :) You guys sure were busy. Happy Halloween!

Marian said...

Addie was so cute! It looks like you guys had a great time! I thought about painting some whiskers and a nose on Adie - then thought of scrubbing it off the floor, ceiling, and various other places I knew it would end up - and decided not to!

I love your costumes, too! During my senior year at Webb, one of the guys in my class dressed up as a pregnant nun for Halloween - and got sent home - even though he was Catholic! He he.

Unknown said...

Great costumes all around. I enjoyed the do-it-yourself whiskers (a la Addie).

I had to share your comment about when was it too old to go trick or treating because Clint has been adamant that 15 yrs old is way too old. I disagree based on the fact that I distinctly remember begging strangers for candy as freshman in high school.

The best part was that while Clint and I are having this conversation, a bunch of teenagers come knocking on door. First thing Clint says to them, "Aren't you a little too old to go trick or treating?"

Anonymous said...

The most adorable kitty cat ever!!! And I love her whiskers!!!!