Thursday, September 11, 2008


Okay, so it's been over a month, and my loyal blog readers (Hi, Mom!) are in an uproar ;) So, here we are! It's been a good (but busy) month, so I'll just touch on the highlights:

* I started back to school, and that's been pretty emotionally draining. I'm going three nights a week and every Saturday morning, which is exhausting and getting old quickly. But I'm closing in on being done! And it'll be worth it when I get there...

* We took an awesome trip over Labor Day weekend with Lynn, Kris and Holland and Leslie and Skye! It was very relaxing. We did a whole lot of nothing, which was awesome! The girls took a shopping trip (babyless!) and the guys took the babies hiking. While they were hiking, they came across a rattlesnake. EEK! I am SO glad I wasn't there. They guys said that the kiddos thought it was pretty cool. I'm so glad that everyone (including the "wattlesnake") remained calm!

* Addie moved up a class in school and is doing AWESOME! She has always been a "star student" but the past month (before the transition) we weren't getting the best reports. I think she must have been bored, because since she has moved up, she has been doing great! She has a perfect report every day (knock on wood) and is back to being teacher's pet ;)

* Potty training - she has been doing great for a while, with only a few accidents, but is on potty strike this week. I'm not concerned at all. She's very quick to congratulate us when we potty though! She'll even bring us an M&M - but after she's made sure we've washed our hands. Hilarious.

* Big girl bed - we've been trying to make the transition to the big girl bed (twin bed). She was super excited about it for a few nights but is now more content in her crib. Again, not concerned about this. She has never tried to climb out of her crib, and Dr. Hood said to not even attempt a transition until she did so. Of course, we'd like to not have to buy another crib when the next baby comes along, but that is still six months away (plus around 8-10 weeks when he/she will sleep in our room).

* Speaking of the new baby, everything seems to be going great so far! We have gotten to see the baby four times by ultrasound (I LOVE MY DOCTOR!) and the two times that they measured the heartbeat it was 162 and 151. We should find out what we're having in about 4 to 5 weeks. Hooray! I've also been feeling a few flutters which is super exciting. And I'm only having mild "Oh my gosh, we're going to have two children!" moments :) I've only had a couple episodes of morning sickness but am having lots of morning (ahem, all day...) lightheadedness and dizziness. Ugh. I'll be glad when that passes!

I think that just about covers the bases. I went to Staples today and bought a little notebook so I can start writing down the cute things Addie says (and which I'll be sure to post on here!). She is just hilarious. One funny thing I can easily remember - we were in the car on the way to Boomsday and all eight of us were packed in pretty tightly. I was in the middle row by the window with Holland next to me and Addie by the other window. I am not quite sure if someone kicked the seat or made a noise or what, but Addie just asked, "Mommy? Did you fall down?" Me: "Um, no baby, I didn't..." Addie: "You okay, Mommy?" Me: "Yeah, baby, I'm fine." Addie: "Mommy, what happened?" Me: "I don't know, baby." Addie: "Mommy, you okay?" Hehe. Cracked me up. She is becoming very aware and both empathetic and sympathetic when things happen to others. So sweet. Anyway, here's a few pics!

Actually, first, a movie!

Addie at Great Aunt Patsy's 60th Birthday

Free labor (kidding! :))

Addie still loving her slide!

Addie picking her first pumpkin of 2008 at Nana & Papa's


Cindy said...

Good luck with the potty training. That's hilarious that she rewards you with M&Ms. Sounds like she at least has the right idea.

Claire LOVED the video of Addie singing.

I predict that you are having a girl since the heartrate is above 150. We'll see in a few weeks if I'm right. So far all my gender predictions this year have been wrong, so maybe that means you are having a boy?

Sonya said...

CUTE! would post more but i'm doing this with one hand ;-)

Rissa & Nathaniel said...

whose kidding about free labor?? Isn't that the whole purpose of having kids?? You got to put them to work early, and I could use some of that free labor myself!

Frances Vineyard said... glad you are back and things are well!

Anonymous said...

I vote for boy!