Saturday, December 19, 2009

Getting all better

We have had a yucky week. We got a call from Landon's teacher last Friday that he had thrown up and had three loose poopies (after two at school the day before), so we had to pick him up. John Michael actually got the call, so he went down there. He called me once they got settled and said Landon was acting completely fine and playing like normal. Yay! Or so we thought. We woke up to Addie whining/crying around 11 p.m. (yes, we were asleep that early on a Friday - don't judge ;)). I went up to check on her, but she was still asleep so I went back down. Repeat at midnight. Then, at 1:30 a.m., I heard her get out of her bed and she was screaming and crying. I nudged JM for his "turn" to check on her, and before he was even upstairs, I heard her screaming, "I throwed up! I throwed up everywhere!" Sure enough. We brought her to bed with us and she got sick three more times throughout the night. She woke up at 8 a.m. Saturday morning, good as gold! We even ended up going up to Nana and Papa's for JM to cut down our Christmas tree (and help Papa with theirs) and had a great day playing, but taking it easy, just in case. Poor Landon was still issues, but seemed to feel fine. We came home and ate dinner, and were looking forward to decorating the tree on Sunday!

But then it started all over again. Addie woke up puny and threw up Sunday morning. She spent the day on the couch and was so, so pitiful! I have never seen her so weak-looking in her life. We talked to the pediatrician's office about three times that morning to go over both her symptoms and Landon's. Poor kiddos. But the nurses didn't seem concerned at all since they were both willing/able to take in fluids. Addie did start to perk up a little by Sunday evening, so she got to help with the tree a tiny bit!

We kept both babies home Monday, because Landon was STILL not back to normal and Addie had said she needed to stay home. The cutest thing ever happened - I put Landon down for a nap at around 8:30 that morning, and starting at 9 a.m., Addie started asking if we could wake him up. She was saying, "I think he's poopie! I really think we need to go get him!" I kept telling her no, that he needed to sleep because his tummy wasn't feeling good. She finally said, "I stayed home from school today so I could play with my baby brother and all he is doing is sleeping!" Hehehehe.

Anyway, Addie was 100% Monday and went back to school Tuesday. Landon's poopie issues were still there, so he stayed with Mimi. She said he was really fussy and tugging at his left ear, so I made him an appointment to see Dr. Hood for Wednesday morning.


So, he continued to be fussy and have tummy problems throughout the night, and on into Wednesday. Dr. Hood was not at all concerned about the now-weeklong diarrhea, but did put him on a probiotic to try to help things. She did check his ears, and the left one was good. The right one had to be cleaned out (seriously, holding a nine-month-old while they take a WaterPik to his ear does NOT equal fun. Just in case you were wondering...), but sure enough...infected. Sooo...we're headed down the same path and it's time for Landon to visit the ENT doctor. The sweet boy had a later start with his ear infections, but he's a competitive one and decided to try to make up for them in a shorter timespan.


Although, I must admit, I'm relieved when I think about how much Addie's tubes have helped her, and hopeful that if (ahem - when - let's be honest) Landon has to have them, they'll be just as successful.

So, that was our week in a nutshell. Poor little man's tummy is still having problems, making almost ten days. They said that viral diarrhea can last up to two weeks. Does that seem INSANE to anyone but me?!?! He's eating and drinking just fine (we still have him on a very mild diet, though - no baby food except bananas, plain yogurt, rice cereal and puffs) so that's good. We can't really tell if the probiotics are helping, because with the antibiotic for his ear infection, we don't know if the virus is still clearing its way out of his system or if the medicine is causing the problems now. I will be SO GLAD when he is feeling better. So will our water bill ;)

Unwrapping her Little Einsteins ornament

Poor sweet girl

Helping with the tree!

Snuggle time to recover from decorating

Landon "helping"

JM's year for the tree - it's huge (but yes, it's pretty)

All better and baking gingerbread!

1 comment:

Dwayne said...
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