Friday, December 28, 2007

December catch-up photos

I just realized it's been a month since I last posted, so here are a few pre-Christmas photos!

And I wonder where my mixing bowls are when I need them...

Addie LOVES wearing hats! But after all, doesn't everyone wear a hat to breakfast? No?

A winter hat and O's...what else is there in life?!

One of our Christmas traditions is that we can't agree on a tree. JM grew up having a cedar tree every year as the Christmas tree, and I grew up having the "typical" Douglas or Fraser Fir. Sooo...we rotate years. This year, JM got his cedar tree. So the next few pictures are of us picking out (and JM and Granpa cutting down) the tree from Gramma & Granpa's farm.

Off to pick out the tree!

They've found a good one!

Addie can definitely picture this in our house...minus about 5 feet...

Ready to go (those are Mommy's heels)!

Again with the hats...

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