Thursday, December 10, 2009

Nine months

Chubby McChubsters has apparently slowed down just a little bit! We went today and he weighed 19 pounds, 13 ounces. Now don't get me wrong - I cannot believe he is almost 20 pounds (I mean, I can, because I've HELD him...geez...), but he had been on the 50th percentile curve and he dropped slightly below this time. Addie's 9-month checkup was when she dropped from the 50th percentile to the 25th-ish, too, so I thought that was funny. He was almost 28 inches long (25th percentile) and his big noggin looked to have stayed on the 50th.

Anyway, Dr. Hood asked the typical questions and deemed him perfect! He showed off his standing and pulling up skills while we were there and she was quite impressed :) He also giggled practically the whole time we were there. What a charmer. It was easy for him to be entertained because his little monkey of a sister was bouncing off the walls!

While we were there, they offered the H1N1 vaccine, so we got the kiddos' second shots. Talk about feeling like the worst mom ever, since I had been telling Addie over and over that she wouldn't get any owies at the doctor's office. Oops. Both kiddos cried. Double oops. But - Landon was a CHAMP during his anemia test. He didn't even flinch for the finger prick. What a trooper! nine months, Landon is:
* pulling to stand
* sometimes taking a few "cruising" steps holding on to furniture
* crawling on all fours about half the time (army crawling the rest)
* "talking" all the time! He's added "baba" for bottle and "bye-bye" to his vocabulary for a grand total of three words (mama still being the most common :)
* EDIT: I did forget that he's been saying "momo" for "more" and Dada. Poor JM - I didn't mean to leave this one out! It was a happy day!
* plays peek-a-boo like a pro! He played with Cece by ducking below the arm of the couch and popping back up over and over.
* a human clock. He goes to bed - without fail - every night at 7 p.m., and wakes up - also without fail - at 6:30 a.m. You could also set a clock by his diapers, but no need to be any more descriptive than that ;)
* as happy as ever! He's a smiley, giggly boy.
* still a mama's boy
* the proud owner of three teeth (two on the top and one on the bottom)
* in 9- and 12-month clothes
* in size 3 diapers still
* wearing size 3 shoes!
* my precious little boy. I can't get enough!
* 100% a bottle boy now. He started nursing a few weeks ago, pulled off, looked at me and said, "Baba?" *Tear.*
* a table food king! We tried him with some red beans last week and he LOVED them! He's had bananas and lasagna (crazy, I know) since. I can't believe he is ready for this. I feel like we went so much slower with Addie, but since he was showing the signs, we gave it a shot.

Aw, shucks.


1 comment:

Sonya said...

Seriously. Cuteness.