Monday, January 05, 2009

My babies

Just thought I'd take a second to update on my two kiddos (well, one kiddo and one kiddo-to-be, technically ;)).

* is fully potty trained and has been for almost a month - she's even in big girl panties at night!
* is in her big girl (double) bed and is excited about "letting Baby Landon borrow the crib!"
* amazes us every day with her vocabulary
* has become a teenager in the mornings and does NOT want to wake up or get out of bed!
* can count to 20 (although it sometimes goes, "15, 17, 16, 18..." :))
* will only take a nap if she is driven around for at least half an hour
* is VERY proud of herself when she doesn't take a nap, although she definitely still needs them!
* has to have cereal every morning - her favorite is "Crismix" ;)
* has fewer tantrums, but when she has them, they are DOOZIES!
* is very maternal with her dolls and loves to change their diapers and rock them - but we've made a mental note to not let her "wrap" Landon, because her swaddling always includes covering the babies' heads - ha ha
* gives the BEST hugs and kisses at bed time
* is still a mommy's girl but has more daddy phases lately
* is pretty much the most precious little girl ever - we are SO IN LOVE!

Kristen pregnant with Landon:
* is 31 weeks along
* is craving OATMEAL!
* has gained about 25 pounds already - oops!
* is enjoying the acrobatics in her belly
* is having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions
* has sciatica even worse this go around

Landon is a WIGGLE WORM! He moves nearly all the time, and honestly, it never gets old. He is still much lower than Addie, so I am having very little trouble with heartburn (I do have a little indigestion though) or shortness of breath. On the other hand, he is constantly on my sciatic nerve, so if I do a whole lot of activity, I'm pretty much immobile for the rest of the day. That made the holidays interesting :) All in all, the pregnancy has gone very smoothly. I'm kind of feeling like he'll be early, but then again, I was convinced Addie would be early, and that wasn't the case! Regardless of when he arrives, we are so anxious to meet this precious boy and for Addie to be a big sister!

Big ol' belly and counting down the weeks!


amber@This Mommy Cooks said...

Look how cute you are! =) I say that because I read how you hate it when people say that to you. =) Congrats on getting Addie potty trained. I'm hoping Jacks is going to be soon...I told him we'd go to Chuckee Cheese when he was potty trained, so every day he says he wants to go there and put money in it and play games...he's never even been, I just told him about it! haha So cute.

Marian said...

Oops. I was just going to tell you that you're cute in your belly pic! Gotta rethink that one now. Ok, hm, you look very....sweet and happy(?)


And Chef Addie IS very cute making waffles. Adie and I made some gingerbread cookies before Christmas. She was basically wearing them before they were baked. Eh, they're only little once, right?

Unknown said...
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Sonya said...

You are beautiful! Can't wait to see what else Addie does as she grows and of course, welcoming Landon into the world :-) And, good girl on the blogging and photos...need an accountability partner? *ha ha*

Angelle said...

I don't comment often enough on here but I follow it religiously. Your big girl is so adorable. Those curls!!! And I love the name Landon, that's my nephew's name.

I will be thinking about you in the next few weeks. Wishing you a speedy and healthy delivery.

Anonymous said...

Aw! I love your Addie-isms "Crismix" is too cute.
What can you do for sciatica when you're pregnant? Ibuprofen is out right? I know that has to suck.:(

Frances Vineyard said...

You look great, and I can't believe how big Addie or Jack and Jake are getting! :(