Monday, January 05, 2009

Happy New Year!

Is anyone else as baffled as I am that it is 2009? Seriously? Where does the time go? This year should be really exciting - Baby Landon will be born within the next two months (eek!), Addie will turn THREE (now I'm getting sad...), I'll have my 10-year reunion from high school, I'll graduate from law school (God willing), take (and hopefully pass :)) the bar exam, and who knows what else! Regardless, I'm hoping it's a good one. I don't really do resolutions, but I do have a few things I'd like to keep in mind for this year:

  1. Work on my patience! I have been "nesting" like crazy, and unfortunately, when I want something done, I want it done RIGHT NOW. I know this is irrational and poor JM is probably at his wit's end.
  2. Stop making excuses about having a messy house. Yes, I have a very busy life. But here's where I'm going to be honest and say that even if I had no child, no job, no law school - our house would still be messy. That's that. I think fortunately, most of our friends and family have at least gotten to where they can deal with our messiness, so now I just have to deal with it. Oddly enough, it's a perfectionist thing (if I start something, I want it to be perfect. If I can't finish it and make it perfect, I get too overwhelmed to start it). On that note...
  3. I'm REALLY going to work on keeping the house neater and more organized. I'm overwhelmed as it is with Addie's toys and books and I kind of dread thinking about what it'll be like with two munchkins' things. We are so grateful to have been given visits by a cleaning service every two weeks (thanks Mimi & Pawpaw), so surely I can handle the clutter?!
  4. Most importantly - take more pictures and video of Addie (and soon, Landon) and write down and blog all the cute things she says. I just can't get over how fast time goes, and I am sad to think of all the things I have already forgotten!
So that's it for me! There's others, but those are near the top and ones that are easy to explain :)

Happy New Year! We hope 2009 is great for everyone!

Chef Addie making waffles on New Year's Day!

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