Friday, January 16, 2009


We are still to figure out Addie's curly hair. She has still never had a haircut, and when wet, her hair goes down below her shoulders. But when it's dry, it's a little hard to tame! When you throw in having to wear a hat because it's so cold, we've got a mess on our hands. Sooo...we've started trying out ponytails and pigtails! Oh my gosh - SO CUTE! I've been trying to get some good pictures, but it's a little hard with a toddler - especially one as busy as Addie. Here are a few pics where you can almost catch a glimpse of the cuteness :)

Addie and her friend Olivia at Olivia's third birthday party. They LOVE getting in the toy box together!


(Besides the scary doll eyes, this is a cute one of the back!)

The aftermath of the pigtails :)

Now that's just funny...and yes, she does sleep with all of those stuffed animals in her bed, and she notices if you take any out!


Unknown said...

This is one of my favorite posts to date! Addie's hair is undeniably adorable. Where DOES she get curly hair from? I remember you having curly hair in 5th grade, so it must be from you...?

Love them all. Keep the curly pics coming ;).

Anonymous said...

And I only thought she couldn't get more ADORABLE!!!!!!!!

Marian said...

Aw, I LOVE Addie's curls! They're so precious. Although I can see how they might be easily tangled. We had our first big tangle here yesterday - not fun - lots of tears! I'm thinking about letting Adie sport a bobbed haircut this summer... The poor girl has so little hair, anyway!

Sonya said...

How funny - my 4 month old got a haircut before your almost 3 year old ;-) Simply too cute...goodness, how do you get anything done?!

Frances Vineyard said...

Oh I just LOVE those curls! She just looks so full of personality!