Just about as close to Wonderland as we could ever ask for :)
Friday, March 07, 2008
It's snowing!
Well, I haven't updated in a while because there hasn't been a whole lot of stuff to talk about! We did have a crazy week last week, though. Addie's BFF Holland gave everyone a little bit of a scare (you can read about it here), but is doing great now! I'm thinking Addie was somehow feeling that something was going on with Holland, because she was HEINOUS last week. She was hitting us (!!!) and just having constant tantrums. Just when I started researching boarding preschools (hehehe), she went back to her normal sweet self! She has just been the cutest ever this week - talking ALL THE TIME and making sure we know what everything is. She even pointed out yogurt to me at the store this past weekend, which I thought was hilarious since I haven't bought it for her in a while. She also always is sure to tell us what color everything is. Her favorite is "yelyow." :)
I've been trying the past few days to get video of all the things we think are so cute (and things she'll probably outgrow soon - like saying "yelyow" and "dack, dack" for "quack, quack"). I just can't believe how quickly time passes and I know I'll wish I had done this more!
Anyway, we are SO SUPER excited about the snow that is here in the Nashville area! They've predicted 4-6 inches and I could not be happier. I even went to Target today to look for snow boots for Addie. I knew I was out of luck when I passed the flip-flops :) But I managed to get her some rain boots, which I figured would do in a pinch. At least they'll be better than her tennis shoes! I'll be sure to post pictures of us making "nose"men tomorrow!
The "yelyow" duck! Yes, her little phone toy is running out of batteries.
Addie showing off her crayons ("nekkid," no less - she did NOT want to keep clothes on today!)
Another cowgirl picture :)
Daddy went clothes shopping for Addie - look how cute!
LOVE the boots ;-) Food Network better watch out, they could have their next star on their hands! And, SO glad Holland is okay - poor little guy...and I can't imagine how Lynne and Kris felt, wowsers. Ahh, the joys of parenthood, eh? Love and miss you!
LOVE the boots ;-) Food Network better watch out, they could have their next star on their hands! And, SO glad Holland is okay - poor little guy...and I can't imagine how Lynne and Kris felt, wowsers. Ahh, the joys of parenthood, eh? Love and miss you!
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