Monday, November 05, 2007


So I realized that I haven't recently blogged about some of the cute things (I know, I'm biased) Addie is doing lately, so I thought I'd take the time so that I have them written down whenever I get around to that baby book :-)

  • knows all of her animal sounds - but her favorites are "ssssssssssss" for snake, "dack, dack" for duck, "ha ha ha" for dog, "booooooo" for cow, and "oooo eeeeee" for monkey.
  • always has to have a book and knows which her favorites are!
  • shakes her finger whenever she sees the "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" book
  • asked Gramma to "read, please" last week
  • when I asked her to "hold on for a moment, please" she said "I hold on." TOO CUTE!
  • is really catching on to the whole potty concept (no, we're not pushing it, but we did buy her a potty to sit on!)
  • is learning & using even more sign language (more, hungry, outside, thank you, please, all done)
  • always has to have shoes on
  • always has to have Mommy (awwww!)
  • does NOT like to have long sleeves on, but...
  • loves to have her jacket on
  • shakes her head no profusely when we ask her if she's ready for night-night
  • still loves bath time
  • likes to run around naked after bath time!
  • loves to be outside
  • throws tantrums often (and is cute even then)
  • is not a morning person!
  • loves the dog and doesn't understand "gentle!"
  • TONS more cute stuff that I can't remember right now!
I'm realizing that I should do this daily...maybe I'll start that. But here are some more pictures and a cute video:

They were getting along great til Addie tried to climb on Hops...

As a matter of fact, she is trying to eat the grass.

Addie makes sure the tomatoes are okay for us to eat:

1 comment:

Frances Vineyard said...

That video is precious!!