Tuesday, April 10, 2007

11 months

I cannot believe that Addie is 11 months old today! Where has the time gone?! Our lives are so different - even better than we imagined - since she has been here! We joke that we have never laughed so much, never cried so much (okay, that's just me :)), but most importantly, never LOVED so much!!! I am becoming a little bittersweet that Addie will soon be one year old. I always thought it was silly when moms would be sad when their little ones were growing up, but now I see why! Each new stage is so very exciting, but it is just going too fast! I love being "Mama"! I could never have imagined how precious anyone could be to me. I thank God every day for placing her in our lives. And it has also been amazing to watch John Michael in a new role! He is such a wonderful father. It makes me love him even more than I did before.

Wow, I'm getting a little cheesy, and a little ahead of myself - better save this sappiness for her "One year" post! :) Ha ha ha !

On a "save the date" type of note - we are planning Addie's first birthday party for May 26th. She and Holland are going to have a party together, so we figured it would be a good idea to have it as close to in the middle of their birthdays as possible. Invitations will follow! Drop me an email if you know I don't have your address :)

Addie's favorites at 11 months:

Food - milk (duh!), cheddar cheese, Cheerios - truthfully, Addie likes everything she has tried, with the exception of two foods: avocados and cheesecake! Ha ha ha.

Drink - milk (duh!), apple juice, water - especially out of a real cup (a "big girl" cup!)

Toy - her soft stuffed lion - a Baby Gund toy which plays the lullaby song, her jumperoo, and her exersaucer (although she now walks around the outside of it instead of going in it)

Games - peek-a-boo, dancing, rolling a ball

People - Mama, Dada, Mimi, PawPaw, Gramma, Grampa, Uncle Lynn and Aunt Kris, Holland, Miss Judy and Miss Sherry

A few of Addie's milestones/things she is doing:

Addie has six teeth (four on top, two on bottom)

Crawls, cruises holding onto things, uses toys as walking aids, climbs stairs

Says mama, dada, dog ("daw"), cat ("cah"), and ball/block/bye ("bah"); also shakes head no and responds to baby signs "more" and "eat" and "drink"; actually signs "more"

Eats/has tried most all foods - except cow's milk, which her pediatrician wants us to wait until she is one year old to try

Addie is now fully on formula - Similac milk-based - this was bittersweet for me, but is better for my health as it became a strain for me to keep up with her demand

Addie is down to one nap - from around noon to 2 pm, and anytime we are in the car for longer than around 15 minutes

Addie uses a paci at naptime and bedtime - and also when we're around something that we do NOT want her putting her mouth on :)

I think those are all of the tidbits I can think of right now! I will update the post if I think of anything else or the baby book reminds me of something...

Addison Leigh, approximately 30 minutes old

Addison Leigh, 11 months old

1 comment:

kmac said...

Cute as a button! I send much Addison and Kristen love your way, especially in light of her up-coming 1 year birthday.

Wish I could be there to celebrate in person, but I'll be there in spirit!