Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Finals time and a preview

So sorry I've been away from blogging for so long! It's finals time at school. I actually only have one exam this year, but it's in Bankruptcy Law and it's even more complicated (and boring) than I expected. But it'll be done in less than a week, and hopefully I'll be back in the swing of things!

Addie's birthday is tomorrow! I can't believe it. One year ago today was my due date. We had gone in on May 8th and set an induction appointment, so I knew (pretty much, at least) that she'd be born on the 10th. We were so excited! I didn't sleep at all that night, knowing that sometime the next day, Addie would be born! What a wonderful day it was. But I'll save that story for the birthday post and instead post some pictures from the past few weeks.

We had chocolate chip waffles - mmm! But I'm a little embarrassed about the mess on my face...

Yay! Open, close, open, close!

(John Michael and I got this outfit for Addie before she was born - we had gotten so many 0-6 months clothes at our baby showers that we decided to exchange a few duplicate outfits for some "big girl" clothes)

Pre-birthday celebration with Aunt Lynn, Uncle Kris, and Holland. I made cupcakes for us instead of a big cake - that will come Saturday!

And *this* is how you eat a cupcake!

Yummy! Cake is my new favorite food, Mom!

We had to take the kiddos for a bath immediately after cake - I guess we'll have a few more rounds of this between now and Holland's official birthday, June 2!

My new laptop from Aunt Lynn, Uncle Kris, and Holland! Holland and I will be blogging in no time!


Emily said...

Star cupcakes! Awesome!

I will try to remember to email you my cookie cake photos sometime tonight. Sorry for the delay!

Unknown said...

First Birthdays are so much fun! My little one got the cutest little baby clothes and toys!

amber@This Mommy Cooks said...

so exciting!! I love the picture of her eating her cake, she looks so happy!