Monday, November 16, 2009

Eight months

Okay, a teeny bit (almost two weeks...) late, but no big deal! I'm not quite sure where to begin with my sweet boy. He's growing too quickly! He is still such a happy, sweet boy, even if he's a SQUEALER! He's been getting in "trouble" at school the past couple of weeks for waking up the newborns with his squeals. He thinks it's so funny. His teacher, Ms. Jen, says that he'll squeal really loudly then look at her to see her reaction. He loves school SO much but is quite happy to see mommy at the end of the day! That's good, because picking Landon and Addie up is the best part of my day, too! So, here we go eight months, Landon is:

* still heavy :) He won't be weighed again until his 9-month checkup, but we did the non-scientific step-on-the-scale, step-off-the-scale technique the other day and it said he was 20.5 pounds. I'm guessing that he's a little over 19, realistically
* in 9-month and 12-month clothes (but can still fit in a few of his 6-month - mainly Carter's brand, as they seem to run bigger)
* as mobile as ever with his army crawl. I'm not sure he'll ever "officially" crawl since he is so successful with his current technique...
* pulling up to stand a lot lately
* sleeping from 7 p.m. until somewhere between 5:30 and 6:30 a.m. (and that's the only time he'll nurse!)
* still a paci baby, like big sister was!
* expanding his "vocabulary," including "mamamama" and "momomomo" to his babbling (and these honestly seem meaningful sometimes for "mama" and "more"!)
* a wonderful eater - he has had almost all of the prepared baby foods and loves them all
* loves his big sister so much! He thinks she is so funny and always wants to be near her.
* showing some signs of curly hair! YAY!!!!

Attempting to get an "8-month-old" shot...

And there he goes...

Still moving...

Landon "camping out" in the living room

Always running his fingers through his hair (after he puts them in his mouth and gets food on them...yummy...)


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