Wednesday, September 09, 2009

A half a year already?!

Sometimes I think I'd be very interested in a device that could make time stand still. I can hardly believe how fast everything goes by! I am fully aware that it is cliche, but it really does seem just like yesterday that we were headed to the hospital to meet our sweet boy, and now he is six months old! I can't even begin to describe the amount of joy he brings to us. He is such a sweet, loving baby. Yes, Addie still thinks he is the greatest thing ever, but she is starting to get irritated when he grabs her things, or if he's kicking blindly while feeding and kicks her. He has been in a mommy phase for the past month or so, which I don't hate ;)

At six months, Landon is:
* 17 pounds, 10 ounces (50th percentile)!
* 26.5 inches long (50th percentile)
* sitting up all by himself
* grabbing anything and everything he gets near
* sleeping much better at night; wakes up once around 2:30 or so and usually puts himself back to sleep after babbling for a little while
* still squealing all the time
* rolling everywhere; still no signs of crawling anytime soon
* starting to eat baby food - so fun! We tried out sweet potatoes two days before he turned six months old - he did great. Peas came two days after, and he adored them. Tonight we tried carrots - he ate the whole jar!
* the proud recipient of the "Best Smiles" award at school. Ha!
* still thinking he's too cool to breastfeed. He'll nurse only first thing in the morning. I can't decide whether I think the breastpump is the best or worst invention in the world... :)
* babbling nonstop
* wanting to be held all the time lately
* my sweet little boy!!!

At sissy's soccer game

1 comment:

amber@This Mommy Cooks said...

hello mini JM!! so cute!