Saturday, September 05, 2009

First time for everything!

Well, maybe not everything, but Addie did have a lot of firsts over the past week or so! She started out with her first soccer practice on Tuesday, the 25th. Both JM and I were out of town (my first work trip ever!), so Nana took her. She seemed to have a blast! Nana said she practiced with the team pretty well and also did her fair share of somersaults in the field. That's my girl!

Then, last Saturday, we took Addie for her first haircut! Yes, ever! Her pretty curls were getting to be impossible to comb through, so I thought they needed a little trim to clean the ends up. She was SO excited to go! I took her to my hairdresser, Lauren, at Unruli in Franklin. I am so glad we went there! It was so great to have someone I knew cut my baby girl's hair for the first time. I'm aware that that sounds silly because she's 3, but it was still a teeny bit bittersweet for me! :) As soon as we got there, Lauren asked if she could straighten her hair. After I panicked for a split second, she assured me it was just to cut and that she'd re-wet it so her curls would come back. Phew! Ha! It was so funny to see it straight and see how long it is! Since Lauren was using a flat iron, she didn't get close to her scalp, so there was still some curl there, but it was still amazing to see most of her hair completely straight. Addie was thoroughly amused by the stranger looking back at her in the mirror. Anyway, Lauren just cleaned up the ends on Addie's hair and it is crazy how much healthier it looks. Now that the initial trauma is over (don't worry, it really wasn't hard on me :)), we'll be sure to have regular trims!

Next up was her first soccer game today! We arrived a few minutes early to get Addie's uniform and she was NOT impressed with having to change out of the outfit she was wearing. I kind of thought our day was over at that point. Then she clinged to my leg for the first 10 minutes or so. All of the sudden, she was ready to play! She did a great job running with her teammates and even kicked the ball once! WOOHOO! I have to say, I don't think I've laughed so hard in a long time. The kids were all so cute! One of the cutest Addie-isms of the day stemmed from Mimi telling Addie at the start of the game that if she went out and played and had fun that she could have a new princess dress. So when it was her turn to play, I tried to nudge her out there and she turned around to me and (at the top of her lungs) said, "I don't NEED a new princess dress! I already HAVE ONE!" All the other parents got a huge kick out of it. It was extra funny because I had not even mentioned the princess dress to her. :) Little stinker.

Here's some pictures of her week!

Heading in to Unruli!

Look how long!

Addie got to squirt Frasier in the face for being such a good girl!

Her second practice - look at what a peanut she is!

And...are we done yet?

Meltdown over the uniform
Notice her clinging to my leg!

Daddy's gonna give it a shot!


There she goes! YAY! She had a blast!


Jessica Miller Kelley said...

Those pics of her freaking out are hilarious! (and precious!)

Great to see you last night!

Marian said...

Aw, I can't wait until Adie is old enough to play soccer (hopefully in a place far away from here, but anyway). Maybe it'll get some of her energy out! Addie is obviously a natural! She knows how to play injured before the game even starts! :)

Kim said...

You just made my day with those pictures... I like the play-by-play tantrum on the soccer field... awesome!