Saturday, December 13, 2008

First snow and getting ready for Christmas!

We were SO excited to get our first snow on Thursday night! I (along with the weather men, apparently) had no idea it was coming. My boss called from downtown Nashville and told us to keep an eye on the roads because it was really coming down. My co-worker and I went outside to see it, and sure enough, it was gorgeous! I didn't think anything of it though and decided I'd head up to class. After all, the weather reports insisted there would be NO accumulation. I called my mom who was at our house with Addie and asked her to turn on the news to keep me posted as to whether school was closed - no report. I stopped for a gourmet Taco Bell dinner (hehe), and on my way back to the car through the parking lot, I noticed it was sticking to the streets, so I decided I did NOT feel comfortable driving to school. So I called my mom and told her I'd be home in about 45 minutes (figuring that a drive that normally takes me 20 minutes would take about that long due to rush hour and the weather). I'll skip all the terrible details and just say that it took me THREE HOURS to get home. The roads were just HORRIBLE and there were at least two accidents that I was aware of. Cars were slipping and sliding all over the place (including mine!) and although there was the normal amount of people just not knowing how to handle the weather, a lot of it I don't think could really be helped. It was a mess. BUT, I made it home safe and sound. The funniest part? The whole time I was in traffic, the weather reports were still saying there wouldn't be any accumulation. Hilarious. But, apparently there wasn't much in Nashville - they never did cancel classes so I had to take an absence. BOO. All said, I think Franklin got nearly 3 inches, and we had almost 2 in Spring Hill.

On a very bright side, Addie's school was delayed by 3 1/2 hours Friday morning, so we had a nice relaxing morning as a family. It was SO NICE! We went out for breakfast and took it easy until 10. Ahhhh...I'm already looking forward to the next snow day, but hope I'm already at home when it hits. Phew! We didn't go out and play this go-around - we need to stock up on some snow clothes first!

We've also been getting ready for Christmas here and I CANNOT believe it is in less than two weeks. True to form, we still have nearly all of our shopping left to do. I have my case in moot court next weekend, so I've been working on that. Okay, who am I kidding - I do this every year, and this year's no exception! We're hoping to start our shopping tomorrow - that'll be ten days til Christmas Eve. Look at us go!

Hehe - a tantrum (I don't remember what it was about). I just thought her hair was TOO CUTE!

John Michael and me at my parents' house before his company Christmas party. We had so much fun! Thanks Mimi & PawPaw for keeping Addie!!

Addie & Holland watching Little Einsteins in their monkey jammies!

Showing off the monkey jammies in front of the (bare) tree

I'm not saying I'll be disappointed if they don't get married, it's just...

Addie swiped Mimi's reading glasses and Daddy couldn't resist taking a picture

Our side yard & fence in the snow Friday morning

View from the patio (I think - JM took these :))

Sweet Hops in the snow

Addie adding an ornament to the tree
(how great is her outfit?! HA!)


Cindy said...

Wow, y'all got a lot more snow down there than we did up here. We only got a slight dusting and it was all melted by mid-morning. Sorry your drive home was so rough.

Addie & Holland look so cute in their monkey jammies. That would be cool if they get married some day -- preschool sweethearts.

Sonya said...

You guys look GREAT! And the picture of Addie ("tantrum"), it's like staring JM in the face...the eyes, wowsers, looks just like him! :-) Love all the posts!!

Marian said...

Jeez! I'm sorry you had such a horrible time getting home. It didn't even snow here. There wasn't even any on our cars! How crappy is that? I was kind of disappointed that Adie didn't get to see it.

And she has those monkey jammies, too! She loves them (probably not as much as I do).