Sunday, May 27, 2007

A busy few weeks!

We have been so busy the past few weeks, but have had so much fun! I finished school for the semester on May 15! It was such a relief to be done for a little while. Then, on May 18, John Michael and I had our fifth anniversary! Where has the time gone?!? We went out to dinner to celebrate and had such a good time! We laughed, because when we were on our honeymoon, we decided our "plan" would to return to the British Virgin Islands in five years to begin trying to begin our family! HA HA HA...Obviously, we decided we were ready sooner than that, and now we have our sweet Addie. Anyways, I am so lucky to have John Michael. He is a wonderful husband and father and Addie and I both love him to pieces!

THEN, this weekend, we had Addie and Holland's joint birthday party. It was SO much fun! We had an awesome crowd there and I think everyone had a blast! Both kiddos were absolutely adorable and they both got lots of wonderful gifts. Thank you so much to everyone who was able to be there!

Lynn and I had fun planning and putting everything together (including the cakes, which turned out AWESOME - yes, I'm tooting our own horns - I'll post pics of them as soon as someone sends me some)! She never ceases to amaze me with how great she is at things like this! I think I learned a lot from her this week, and also from our friend Leslie. Thanks, and love you both! And an extra special thank you to the Drs. D'Amico, for letting us have the party at their home!
We love you guys!

Now...for the pictures!

"Hmm...this could be good - don't you think, Holland?"

"Yup! It's not too shabby!"

"But enough of being dainty - I'm going in!"

"Now that's more like it!"

"Seriously? This is child's play!"

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