Saturday, December 02, 2006

New tubes, new foods, and getting ready for Christmas!

The past few weeks have definitely been interesting! Addison got her tubes on 11/17. It went great! The doctor said her ears were a total mess, so we are very thankful we had it done when we did. Apparently she just has bad ears. The whole week before the surgery, Addie was so fussy. She wouldn't let me out of her sight, and not only that, but I HAD to be holding her. But within an hour after the procedure, she was back to normal! She's of course still having a little bit of separation anxiety, but she is playing, laughing, and talking more than she had been for a while! Here is a picture of her that I took at about 10 a.m. that day (her surgery was at 7:30).

Addie has also had a great time trying new foods! She now eats peas, sweet potatoes, applesauce, pears, lima beans, and green beans! She LOVES to eat "big girl" food! Right now the food just complements her milk, but within a couple of months we will be substituting meals. It is so fun to feed her, and I have to admit that I'm kind of excited to see the feedings/pumpings lessen a little ;)

Also, we are enjoying the holiday season! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and we're looking forward to Christmas! We took Addie (along with Holland and Aunt Lynn and Uncle Kris) to see Santa Claus and had lots of fun. We're looking forward to decorating the house this weekend!

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