Saturday, November 11, 2006

A weekend away and an upcoming event...

Well, we had a great weekend away for the LSU game - we didn't make it into Knoxville (except for a few minutes for Addie to meet Aunt Marci!), but went to Wears Valley, Tennessee, and stayed in a cabin with John Michael's old roommates. Alan and Cindy were there, along with sweet baby Jacob (he's 10 months old - this picture is of the two of them); Nick and Christie were there (they're getting married next June - finally guys! ;)) and then a friend of Nick's and a friend of Christie's. We had lots of fun. And Aunt Katie came to visit Addie on Saturday and we had TONS of fun with her, watching the game! The only downfall of the weekend was that Addie was dealing with an ear infection - her fourth.

Which brings me to the big news - Addie will be getting tubes on Friday (November 17th). We're anxious about it, but everything we hear about tubes makes us know that we have made the right decision. We are very eager for Addie to not have to deal with these infections anymore! So be sure to keep her in your thoughts and prayers :) I know she'll be a champ though!

The next big thing is that Addie is now six months old! I can't believe that it was HALF A YEAR ago that she was born! Time has truly flown (as everyone told us it would!). She is so very close to crawling, she laughs all the time, plays peek-a-boo, and continues to LOVE playing with her feet. She amazes us with something new every day. We enjoy every single second of our time with her!

1 comment:

Frances Vineyard said...

Congrats on your beautiful baby.