Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas!

We started Christmas off right with our annual Logan's lunch with Mimi and PawPaw. We had to do it on Christmas Eve Eve this year instead of Christmas Eve, because we figured there was just too much going on the next day. It was so much fun, and Addie was very good. She sat in her highchair like a big girl while we ate. She must have known Santa was watching :) Then she went home with Mimi and PawPaw so we could get some stuff done around the house for Christmas Eve.

Saturday evening, we had the Corn family Christmas dinner at Mike and Cindy's (Gramma and Grampa's). Addie wore her Santa outfit again and had a great time with all of her great aunts and uncles, and loved seeing Uncle Nathaniel and Aunt Rissa (aka Uncle and Aunt Camera-Head).

Then on Sunday, Christmas Eve, I did some last-minute Christmas shopping (I know, I know - but I do it every year) and we had a nice big crowd at our house for dinner (well, heavy hors d'oeuvres). Mimi and PawPaw (my parents), GiGi (my grandma), Gramma and Grampa (JM's parents), Great Aunt Carol, and Uncle Nate and Aunt Rissa came over. We had lots of fun and hope it becomes a Christmas tradition!

Then came Christmas Day...

Addison's first Christmas was SO much fun! She was so into it - a lot more than we expected! She definitely enjoyed the wrapping paper and boxes, like everyone said she would, but she got a kick out of all her toys, too! Santa was VERY good to her :) Maybe a little too good - ha ha ha. She almost went into toy overload, not being able to choose which one she wanted to play with.
We had a long day, starting at our house and then moving on to Mimi and PawPaw's. We then went up to Gran and Pop's and ended up at Gramma and Grampa's. What a fun day! Addison did very well and caught naps in the car in between each stop. Thank goodness :)

Here are some "preliminary" pictures - I'll be sure to post more once I get them from Uncle Camera-Head...

Woohoo! My very own remote control!
Just what every 7 1/2-month-old needs - a numbers puzzle!
Addison and GiGi
Me in my Radio Flyer - in my fleece vest and with my UT blocks!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kristen and John Michael -

Addison is adorable. I had no idea you even had a baby! What is wrong with me.

Tracy (Taylor)Moore