Friday, June 18, 2010

Double-Duty Doctor Time!

Last week we went to visit Dr. Hood for Addie's four-year checkup and Landon's 15-month. I figured I'd better go ahead and post about it, since we're leaving for the beach tomorrow, and hopefully I'll have lots of fun beach-related posts when we return. Anyway, I love well-baby visits. I love to see how much the kids have grown and if they're doing what they're "supposed" to be doing. All was well, and Dr. Hood was pleased with their growth and impressed with their development. What can I say? Baby geniuses, I tell ya! ;) Hehe.

Here are the stats (and some extra mommy commentary for my memory):

* 3 feet, 1 3/4 inches (10-25%)
* 32 pounds (25%)
* "normal" body mass index
* almost in a size 7 shoe (munchkin feet!)
* wears 3T and 4 clothes
* goes to bed a little past 8 p.m., wakes up around 7:30 or 8 (on the weekends; we wake her up around 6:30 on weekdays)
* has an AMAZING vocabulary
* still loves art and is quite talented
* loves to spend time outside
* still obsessed with wearing dresses!
* becoming a little more of a morning person (thank goodness)
* makes up hilarious stories and "games"

Some Addie-isms:
* "ungrella" for umbrella
* "oskritch" for "ostrich"
* "becation" for "vacation" (I may have blogged that one before - still one of my favorites :))
* She was trying to get ready to go swimming and when her underwear were caught around her foot, she said, "Get off of me, panties, I need to be nekkid!" (Wow.)
* Is increasingly excited about July coming up because she'll "get to throw candy in the parade!" (Huh?)
* Honestly, she has us practically in tears from laughing at least once a day. I need to be better at writing this stuff down...

* 30 1/4 inches (20-25%)
* 23 pounds (25-30%)
* size 4 shoe
* is getting four molars at once - three have broken through!
* size 4 diaper
* starting to run instead of walk everywhere!
* has LOTS of words and a few phrases: "dee-do" for "thank you" (unprompted!); bye-bye, ball, baby, hi, cheese ("sees!"), dog ("daw!"), diaper (biper), Addie ('Dee or Addie), Papa, Nana, banana (both "nana" :)), Mama, Dada, Mimi, PawPaw (BawPaw), milk ("me"), more ("ma"), shoe ("boof"), Dagny (a classmate), cookie ("doot-dee"), Mickey ("mimmey"), probably some more...
* has started playing hide-and-seek when we come to pick him up
* every single day has a note on his daycare sheet about how much his teachers love him and how sweet and cute he is
* is still a good baby, but of course he is getting quite skilled at the tantrums :)
* still a Daddy's boy!

Sweet pea.

Just-as-sweet pea.


Marian said...

Aw, sweet babies! I wish that we could have a play date again. Landon and Eamon could nag us for cookies (I'm assuming if he sees anything resembling a cookie that you don't hear the end of it until he's eaten some... or maybe that's just at my house). It's the same with juice. If Adie has a milk box, Eamon starts screaming ZUICE!!!!

Soon... like, right after July 29, right? :)

Monika said...

Our babies are getting slimmer! :)
What happened to our chunkers that were in the 90% for weight and height? haha

Mimi said...

Ahem......need some help with a new post???? :-)