Sunday, March 04, 2007

Nine months...kind of late!

Well, now that Addie will be ten months old this week, I thought it would be a good time to give her nine-month update! Ha ha! Her checkup with Dr. Hood went great! Dr. Hood is very impressed by Addie's movement (and jumping :)) and with the progress her ears have made. She had a hearing test and all is well - that was good news, although we weren't expecting otherwise. We also found out that Addie is a petite little princess - she was 16 pounds, 13 ounces, and 26 1/2 inches long. That is in the 25th percentile for both! Dr. Hood said she is doing great though, and is just petite - she said it's not like John Michael and I are large or anything :) She did give us some pointers as far as feeding her, and said that pretty much anything we eat, she can now have (within reason). We are having a difficult time "brushing" her teeth though, because after her last round of medicine, she will NOT open her mouth for anything but food anymore! So I can't even brush with my finger. I'm sure she'll grow out of that, but tonight she bit me to keep my finger out - hehehe (no, it wasn't so funny at the time...).

Here are a few pictures from this month. Most of them are from feeding, because that's when she's at her cutest! We use that little plastic booster seat as her every day highchair - a friend of mine clued me in that the highchair I had was a pain to deal with on a daily basis (due to having to wash it because it gets so messy) so John Michael and I decided to give that to my parents and purchase this one for around $20. What a great buy!

I took this one to show off her hair - she had yogurt on her hands and decided to pull her hair out on the side and the top...think Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura :)


"I sure do love bath time! Check out my cool green earplugs!"

"Mom, do I have something on my lip?"

"I love my wagon...

...but do you think I could get out now, please?"

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