Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fun with Shapes

Yesterday, Landon and I went with our sweet friends, the Hills, to celebrate the adorable Kate Kelley's second birthday. As he and I were marveling at the beautiful spread of food Jessica had set out, Landon started saying, "Sickle!" (Circle) "Sare!" (Square) And then I heard him say "Ock-a-gon!" Sure enough, I looked down and there were circular, square, and octagonal-shaped crackers! I was amazed!

A few minutes later, he and I were coloring with one of the Kelleys' family friends, and the nice gentleman was drawing shapes for Landon and telling him what they are. I decided to "test him" again and draw an octagon. I said, "Hey Landon! What is this shape?"


The man and I were amazed. I decided that I just HAD to try with some other polygons. I drew a hexagon and got excited to see what would happen. "Hey Landon! What is this shape?"

He looked at it thoughtfully and got a huge grin on his face as he said,

"A BABY ock-a-gon!"

Well played, kiddo. Well played. :)


SpeasHill said...

Okay, I confess that I saw you drawing octagons for him and thought, "Wow, that's ambitious." I am happy to be eating crow. Smart boy!

Monika said...

Smart baby! Just like his mama!

And funny like his mama too! (baby octagon!)

Kim said...

I love this! He's so clever! Way to outsmart your mom, Landon!

Jessica Miller Kelley said...

Wow--very impressive!! I'll have to thank my mom, who encouraged the variety of crackers. I had originally just gotten square, and then we wouldn't have gotten to expose Landon's brilliance!!

Thanks again for coming--my favorite part was having all the kiddos there.

Marian said...

Aw, so cute! And smart, too!