Saturday, March 06, 2010

Sweet baby boy

Landon - I can't believe you are already a whole year old! Goodness, where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday we were on the way to the hospital and I was kind of feeling sorry for myself (and you :)) because I doubted that I could ever love a second baby the way I love your sister. Boy was I wrong! The second you were born, my heart grew (as I had been told it would). It was the craziest thing. And it has only gotten stronger since then! You have been the best baby we could've hoped for. You are so easygoing, happy, and lovable. You make the funniest expressions, and now that you're entering into tantrum territory, you make us laugh even more than ever. And even though you get frustrated now, you can be made to laugh within seconds. You have the most contagious laughter! You are the cutest, most ticklish boy I've ever seen. Everyone who knows you loves you. Maybe not as much as your mommy, daddy, and sister do, but that's okay :)

Happy Birthday, sweet boy. Here's to many more! I love you SO MUCH!

At one year, Landon:
* has six teeth (four on top, two on bottom)
* wears 12-18 month clothes; size 4 diapers, size 3 shoes
* is heavy - hehe. His appointment isn't til the end of the month, so I'll update then
* is still a SCHEDULED baby. You could set a clock by him - sleeping, eating, even his poos. Yes, I'm serious.
* is becoming increasingly talkative. Has a few words: hi, bye, bottle (baba), Addie, mama, dada (pretty consistently meaningful), dog (da); doesn't say no, but shakes his finger - adorable!
* is baby signing "more" and "all done"
* points and babbles at everything
* loves to "color" with crayons and markers
* is standing on his own for a few seconds but still no independent steps
* is transitioning decently to whole milk and sippy cups - we have been a lot more relaxed with this than we probably should be...oops. I promise he won't go to kindergarten with a bottle though!
* is in neither a "mommy phase" nor a "daddy phase" but seems to love us equally right now ;)
* still thinks Addie is NUMBER ONE!

Picture time! These are from today - we had our parents and JM's grandparents over for lunch. It was so much fun. We are so blessed to live so close to our families!

Waiting on the cake!

"Guys, I'm eating my hand here!"

That's more like it...

(Look at how he looks at his sister! PURE LOVE - so cute!)

The one-year-old

Four generations

Mimi, PawPaw and my babies and me!

Addie and Gran in serious conversation (watching CareBears :))


Marian said...

Aw, so sweet! It was hard to imagine little boys being as cute as our little girls, but they ARE!! :)

amber@This Mommy Cooks said...

Happy Birthday Landon! You're a cutie pie! Kristen, I can't believe how long Addie's hair is! I bet it's to her knees all straightened out! Love it!

Monika said...

Happy Birthday Landon! I can't believe they are all a year old!