Sunday, October 11, 2009

Seven months

Landon turned seven months old last week. My goodness! And so far, this has been the most eventful month (especially considering we're only 5 days into it). Phew! He came down with a little cold last weekend but seemed to be doing okay. Then on Wednesday morning, he seemed a little wheezy, so we gave him a breathing treatment, which helped. We took him to school, assuming the treatment had done the trick. Not so much. Around 1:30, I got a call from the daycare director that his teacher had called up to the front desk because she was really concerned about his breathing. The director said, "He's wheezy. Like, concerning wheezy." Goodness. After what seemed the l o n g e s t drive of my life (well, up there, at least), I got to my sweet boy. When I opened the door to the classroom, he was sitting on the floor with his teacher playing and laughing. BUT - I could hear him wheezing immediately. From the door. That's how loud it was. We went straight home to do a treatment (these are supposed to last at least four hours) and headed up to see the doctor. By the time we got seen, he was having a hard time breathing again. He was still smiling and laughing, so I wasn't too terribly freaked out, but it was still worrisome. Dr. Hood did a "super-dose" of an oral steroid and he got another albuterol treatment while we were there. Also, bad/good news: Landon will start a daily steroid breathing treatment, just like Addie. I say bad news for the obvious reasons, but I say good news because (knock on wood) I am hopeful that this will keep him from having another serious episode again. I'm especially cautious during this flu season (I had a young, healthy co-worker pass away from H1N1 about three weeks ago - it turned into pneumonia), and hope we can keep future colds from settling directly into his lungs.

Anyway, he's been doing...okay...since then. Not great, not bad, still smiling, but not quite my sweet Landon. But this morning he woke up with two VERY gunky eyes. Yup, pinkeye. It's by far the worst case I've ever seen. My mom assures me I had worse as a child, so that made me feel good :) We got eyedrops called in as soon as our pediatrician's office opened this morning, so hopefully that'll be cleared up by tomorrow. Poor sweet baby!

Back to the 7 months Landon is:
* getting heavy. Not sure how much he weighs ;)
* in size 3 diapers still
* in 6 month clothes but can also wear up to 12-month
* army crawling like a mad man!
* pulling up to stand with the teeniest bit of help
* not really content to be held but always wants someone nearby
* still in his mommy phase
* sleeping much better and now putting himself to sleep with NO cry-it-out phase! HALLELUJAH!
* enjoying his solids. He has had peas, green beans, squash, applesauce, pears, carrots, apples & prunes blend, squash & corn blend, vegetable blend, and tonight, he tried (and adored) whole milk plain yogurt (I'm super excited about that one - it was Addie's favorite :))
* still only drinking breastmilk, but I anticipate having to supplement a little with formula at some point this month. *Sigh.*
* INTO EVERYTHING! I mean, seriously! I thought Addie was into everything, but he puts her to shame. I know all my friends with boys are now saying "toldja so!" :)

Okey doke...looking for the camera. I'll find it and get pics posted asap, I promise!

1 comment:

Mommy said...

I know - you're just doing this to torture me! Give me a POST!