Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bummer :(

We've got a sick little girl on our hands. Poor Addie came down with a cold earlier this week and unfortunately, it has turned into wheezing and also vomiting. It has been a challenge keeping her away from Landon, but we're hoping he'll escape this. He is congested today but is still eating and sleeping normally. John Michael took Addie to the doctor this morning, and Dr. Hood ruled out pneumonia (phew!) and strep throat and said it's just a really rough cold. The bad news is that we have to start back up with her Pulmicort, which we had been given the okay to stop back in March. Boo :( We were hoping she was beginning to outgrow her asthma, but it doesn't seem like that's happening just yet. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we try to get Addie back to 100% and also try to keep Landon well as he is still so young!

A cutie pie, even when she's sick!


amber@This Mommy Cooks said...

she looks so pitiful!! I'll pray for quick healing.

Sonya said...

Sending get well wishes to you, sweet Addie!! Praying for you guys...