Tuesday, May 13, 2008

We have a TWO-YEAR-OLD!?!?!

Wow! Addie's birthday was Saturday and I'm still having a hard time believing that she is two years old. Time flies way too quickly. It's funny because before she came along, I didn't feel like I was missing anything in my life, but now that she is here, John Michael and I wonder what we did without her...

Addie is even cuter than ever and is even more of a mess! She is speaking in sentences almost all the time now (and they all end in the name of whoever she's speaking to). She says the funniest things and it is really making me realize how much kids absorb! The other day she was spinning around and when I asked her what she was doing, she said, "I spin around, Mommy!" - with a little attitude that showed me she was thinking "DUH!" That attitude goes along with pretty much everything she says. :-) Her favorite thing is to boss us around at bedtime. I usually sit with her and rock and sing the ABCs to her, and whenever I start carrying over to her bed, she'll say "SIT DOWN, MOMMY!" Ha ha ha. Gets me every time!

Anyway, she started off her birthday with a perfect terrible-twos tantrum (I really think it was worse than any she had before Saturday - hehehe) but then she was her sweet self for the rest of the day. We had a really low-key celebration this year (honestly, I think I'm still exhausted from last year's party!) with Mimi & PawPaw, Nana & Papa, and Cici and Uncle Jason (my brother!). We had a great time. Addie acted just like she did at Christmas and ran around giggling the whole time. She did very well for no nap (have I mentioned she's decided naps aren't for cool kids anymore?)! She had a good time with the cake, too - she was almost as messy as last year, which I thought was funny because she's normally pretty neat when she eats. Oh, but the best was last weekend when Lynn, Kris & Holland came over to celebrate - she REALLY got messy with that cake. I'll have to get the pictures from Kris. :-)

Overall, I think she had a great day! She was a lot more into opening presents this year, of course, and she got lots of fun things including an art desk, a gardening set, and a bubble mower (and Fran, I'll never see her playing with it that I don't think of the boys fighting over theirs :-)). The funny thing was that she was more interested in her cards than she was her presents - she's definitely my daughter :-)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ADDIE! We love you! We are so blessed to be your mommy and daddy and we look forward to many, many more fun years!

Notice her fork sitting on the table :)

Addie intently checking out her new gardening gloves :)

"I'm TWO, Mommy!"


Marian said...

Aw, I missed it! I'm sorry! I knew it was sometime around the second week of May, but I couldn't remember the exact day. Well, Happy Belated Birthday to Miss Addie! I'm glad you guys had a good day :)

I'm also happy that you're finished with your exams - in a jealous sort of way. We both have one more. Oh yes, we're dragging it out to the bitter end.

See you in summer school! Yay!

amber@This Mommy Cooks said...

Happy Birthday Addie! I'm glad you're back, I've been very sad when I come to your page and always see "happy daddy" =) She looks really cute in that last picture. I'm coming up sometime the first week in June, maybe we can schedule a visit...

Sonya said...

How is she ALREADY two!? She is so precious and that little dress, oh my goodness...too cute! Miss you tons, keep me posted on your possible trip to Florida...MUST see you this time :-) Love you!

Frances Vineyard said...

Happy Birthday! As cute as ever!