Sunday, February 11, 2007

Keeping my promise!

Just pictures this time - although I will say that Addie has a THIRD tooth! Woohoo!

Just hanging out here in a copy paper box - hey guys!

Bath time is fun time! I especially love splashing and getting Mommy soaked!

Wearing my cute knit hat that Aunt Kristin made for me. But it's a little snug, so I look like a pilgrim. You can tell I'm totally excited about having the hat on...

Okay, that's all for now because uploading is sloooow right now. That, and most of these pics are already a month old. I need to get the camera cable to get the more recent ones off. Next time! :)


Anonymous said...

How CUTE is that child!? Totally looks like you both :-) Allllll those toys and what does she want? A copy paper box - go figure *ha ha*. Love, Sonya

amber@This Mommy Cooks said...

she's so sweet!